8 Eylül 2012 Cumartesi

tarla böyle sürülür

The best alternative to owing a tractor


orda boşta tabure var ya nasıl bi fantazi seninkisi

take a seat and take a break

china Telecom :) çintelekom

On June 13, 2012, a tape-fixed electric pole was found in Chuanshan Park of GuilinGuangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. A local resident said that the broken electric pole has been like this for over six months. The repair workers "fixed" the damage caused by a car accident  by using wire and tape. (source: cfp.cn, CRI online)

insanlar burda uyumasın ve yürümesinler diye alınan bir önlem

insanlar burda uyumasın ve yürümesinler diye alınan bir önlem 

the blocks are making the homeless really hopeless
Guangzhou (the capital city of Guangdong province) authorities are using such way to keep the city's homeless away from taking shelter during the night, the purpose of setting up such blocks is to keep away the homeless and make the city look better. These pictures are not funny at all, but let viewers feel that this is a really cruel idea.  (photo source: Nddaily.com)

a cruel government idea to block away the homeless
how china treat the homeless

çinde oğle yemek arası

A group of construction painting workers are sleeping on a building roof in Jinan

Çin menkul kiymetler borsası :)

Çin menkul kiymetler borsası :)
çinli bir iş adamının sözünğ hatırladım şimdi
hep şunu söylerdi bana
adamda uygulamasını yapıyor galiba :)

a Chinese stock trader is sleeping in an empty stock exchange hall

öğlen yemek paydosu

rescue staff are sleeping on ground at the coal mine accident site